Lip Smacker - Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly

Lip Smacker - Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly

This Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly Lip Smacker set debuted sometime around 1995, making it pretty much a new vintage at this point in time. Apparently the Grape Jelly stuck around longer than the PB (and has reappeared under different names since), and I’m curious why… I think this particular pairing captures the BB spirit perfectly!

I’m so happy that I have this in the original packaging to photograph for the blog; 90’s smackers are definitely my favorite era. There’s something special about the block-lettered Lip Smacker font and childlike artwork.

And check out the back, Club Smackers! Do you remember Lydia the mascot?

6 Thoughts on “90’s Spotlight: Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly

  1. Just when I thought I’d seen I can’t believe I never even knew this existed! The rarest one I have is probably buttered popcorn.

  2. miss honey on March 30, 2013 at 2:29 PM said:

    Yes! I love 90s smackers too! I wish they were still around. I remember the club smacker posted back on the package. I had one with candy shop background. I wish i didn’t threw mines out cuz i never realized those flavors are rare now.

  3. How were you able to get this set? I had this duo, but unfortunately I did not have the foresight to hang on to them. As long as I have been collecting I have never forgotten about this set as well as scouring the internet to see if anyone was selling them. I also wish Lip Smackers would do a re-release or something. 90’s Lip Smackers were fantastic, and I feel as if the company did more flavors at that time then what is out there today.

    P.S. I love your blog!

    • I am a really big fan of the 90s stuff too, I think it’s the best stuff they’ve ever done. I’m going to email you because I might be able to help you out (huge emphasis on “might”) 🙂

      Thanks very much for the compliment!

  4. Pingback: Oh, sugar, sugar | Lip Smacker Collectors Blog

  5. Claire on August 13, 2014 at 8:01 PM said:

    For those who are allergic to peanuts, does the peanut butter actually make your lip swell? My cuz is allergic and she has this set and only uses the grape jelly, afraid the peanut butter would do something.

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