Whether you’re a collector, nostalgic for your childhood, or simply love the product, I wanted a website where we could show love for the best lip balm ever :]
I love hearing from readers and seeing collections. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog somewhere or email me.
If you have any Lip Smackers for sale, especially older or rarer ones, please let me know! You never know, someone on the blog might be looking for that exact one.
I have no affiliation with Bonne Bell/Aspire Brands, you can find the official website at Lipsmacker.com
All pictures are courtesy of me and from my personal collection unless otherwise credited.

Its so happy to see the collection.really so happy to see it.I am also a collector but hardly to find in Indonesia.
I lover the elf collection.
That’s so cool! I love meeting overseas collectors. I’d love to see what you have sometime!
Thanks for the comment 🙂
I love Lipsmakers. In fact, I do have the Biggy Dr. Pepper! I have wornthis since i was a child. I am currently searching the web trying to find the Biggy Lip Smalers on a rope…. I want to get my adorable little nieces a couple. I found some about 2 years ago and Target and now, no more. This is terrible. Bonnie Belle needs to keep these as a regular staple.
Where can I get some I always see the same ones where ever I go to find lip smackers
A few sellers on eBay have a good variety 🙂
Best website ever! I’m a huge collector and user! Love it, smack it!
Thanks girl!
I’ve found variety traveling to Dollar Tree stores and ebay. Just watch buying some on ebay that are over 10 years old- they can taste like melted crayons.
u can find lipsmackers at walmart target or on amazon thats where i got mines
hey, iam girla the smackers is cooll i love jelly bean
I just recently came across your site. Nice to meet a fellow Lip Smacker fan! I’ve been buying Lip Smackers and Bonne Bell products since the 1970’s! (Showing my age here . . . lol.) I’m so happy to see the Disney/Mickey products. Just and FYI . . . a few years ago the Lip Smacker Lounge has a contest to win $500 in Lip Smacker/Bonne Bell products. I won! I spent a total of $499.97 of that prize in products! My friends and family got to share the prize with me. 🙂
What an AWESOME story! I am so glad you found us! I bet your friends/family were thrilled to share in that with you 😀 How exciting to win something like that.
And yes, they’ve been really spoiling us with Disney products this year. If you haven’t gotten them there are some good deals to be found on eBay if you search “disney smacker.” If you’re patient you can find auctions that go for less than retail, too.
And you gotta love those vintage biggies, there’s nothing quite like those. I wish they’d bring back the hard tube.
Hi! You seem to have such a big variety of smackers, I wished I could own that many! 🙂 I currently own 18 (I’m aware it’s a tiny collection!) but I definitely want to expand it! You have the best smackers blog hands down 😀 Thanks for sharing your collection and keeping us up with what’s happening in the lip smacker world!
Thank you so much for the nice comment 🙂 You have to start somewhere and 18 isn’t so little! All it takes is a few party packs and soon you’re knee deep in smackers! Haha.
I always found eBay really useful for the current stuff that people find on clearance and put up at 99 cents or whatever. That’s a quick way to get all the current stuff at lower than retail 🙂
Hey there!
It’s really nice to see people like yourself sharing your knowledge around the current and historical smackers, as-well as your amazing collection!
We don’t get half of the range of flavours that you lucky guys do, here in New Zealand, but with the growth of online shopping and persistence, I hope to have a collection like yours one day.
How many smackers do you currently have, may I ask?
Thanks, I’m glad people are enjoying them as much as I do!
And I think you’re right, I hope international shipping becomes more viable as the global market becomes more prominent.
I feel like a shill for eBay lately but there are a few huge smacker sellers on there that ship worldwide, so that’s a good start.
Did you get the soda biggies that were/are sold in NZ (sprite, fanta grape, fanta orange)?
As for how many I have, it’s hard to give an exact number, but somewhere in the early 4 digits, I suspect.
I grew up with these old tubes and, sorry for getting so nostalgic, they really set the brand apart from competition like Chapstick and today, the $1 store lip balms you see everywhere.
I wonder if Bonne Bell will ever return to form or stick with the standard. I have used Lip Smacker religiously for decades and I’m not a fan of where they are taking it. It is hard to differentiate unless one is passionate about the product.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll stick with them until the end because they are the best of the best and I’m obsessed! I just wanted to ramble a bit 🙂
I have been a fan of the brand since I was FIFTEEN, So, one day recently, I applied some Cherry Coke lip smacker and my lips were stinging and smarting and had a tight, sucked-out feeling and were swollen, and I HAD A HORRID RASH AROUND MY MOUTH! I never had any trouble with the brand until it changed hands, so they must have changed the formulation. So, regretfully, Lip Smackers and I had to part ways
I am ADDICTED to lip smacker and I never leave home without one. It’s become a thing amongst my friends now like “what flavour has she got today?” And I’ve got all my friend addicted to them too! My favourites at the moment are the cupcake collection (which came in a cute tin too!)
Love the blog, keep it up!
I love it! They’re super contagious 🙂 Thanks for the comment
I love lip smaker I have a little
Hey bunnycookie,
I have recently gotten into lip smacker. I don’t own any, but my b-day is soon and I hope to get some. Love this blog, keep it up!
sorry that sounds weird but i really am interested in them but don’t know where to get them at!
Hi, sorry for the late comment! I hope you get a bunch for your birthday. Target & Meijer have a lot, and so do drugstores like CVS, Rite Aid, & Walgreens.
They also have a really nice webstore at lipsmacker.com so you could hint to your family 🙂
Thanks! my b-day is tomorrow and i saw some at Target, so i told my mom she could could get them there also….. 😉 Thanks for replying
Yesterday was my bday and i got a limited edition pack that came with 8 balms a 2 liquids. The balms were Vanilla, Mango, watermelon, Wild raspberry, Tropical Punch, Cotton Candy, Kiwi and Strawberry. The Liquid ones were Pink Lemonade and Tropical Punch.
Hi! Love your blog! I would sell my SOUL for a peach lip smacker, preferably the kind in the big fat tube. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and I used the peach smacker religiously, from my preteen years before I was allowed to wear lipstick, and I continued well into my 20s or so until for some CRAZY reason it was discontinued. I can still remember that peachy aroma (peach Jolly Ranchers have a very similar scent), and it brings back the most visceral memories of my first crush, and all those other sweet (and bittersweet) memories of adolescence that only become more powerful with the passing of the years.
I looove this comment, thank you so much for sharing! Send me an email if you want, I don’t have an extra big one for you, but I have the next best thing!
Could u please answer my question!!!!!!!!
I’m just flooding this place with comments, sorry! But how often do you post a blog?
Haha no worries, that’s what it’s here for! I try to post once a week but right now with how hectic school has been, I’ve been slacking. I’ll have a new post up in the next day or two 😀
Bunnycookie, why do you only do reviews on the lip balm version of Lip Smackers? Do you not like the liquid Lip Smackers? Also, when are you planning on doing a review of the Cosmic Smackers?
Hey Renee! I do like the liquid smackers but the lip balms are what hold my heart 🙂 I’ll buy the non-lip balm stuff if it’s really yummy sounding.
Do you have any extra strawberry lip smackers? Love this site! Keep it up!
Hi! Do you mean the regular tubes? You can find those at drug stores! 🙂
Thanks! I am almost out of my strawberry one and i love it! Thanks!
Hey I was just curious, do you use other brands along with bonne bell or are you just all for bonne bell products? Because there is a big buzz on eos products at the moment too and they’re amazing, have you tried eos? I also own the Paul frank smackers trio which I also love with julius’ coconut cream, clancy’s cotton candy and worry bear’s honey sweet
I like eos but smackers are still my favorite balm product. I like Avon too, but their balms feel cheaper.
Yeah, I’ve always loved lip smackers, grew up on ’em 🙂 always have been a massive fan of the jewel lips collection, I miss those ones dearly 😀
Did they stop making the Pink Lemonade flavor? I haven’t been able to find it since the 2000s when I was in college 🙁 I know you can buy it on the Lip Smackers site but it costs more than what I’m comfortable with on my budget.
It’s definitely still around, I wonder why it’s giving you a problem. Walmart sells it individually usually, and Target sells it in a 5 piece ‘original flavor’ pack.
This is more of a personal question, but what are your top 10 favorite LipSmackers? Top 5? Thanks!
Ooh let’s see… some of my favorites are Dr Pepper, Golden Pear, the old Candy Cane/peppermint, Starfruit, Blueberry, Cinnamon Sugar, and Bubblegum. Oh and Grape & Lemon!
It’s really hard to choose 🙂 What are yours?
My favorites are tropical punch, a 2004 candy cane cocoa holiday one, blueberry muffin and red raspberry. I also liked red licorice launch a lot. Wild raspberry takes me back to when I was in kindergarten and my mom helped me pick out my first lip smacker. I haven’t bought any in a while, but in about a week I plan to stock up on a bunch from the smackers store. I want to buy the older and newer flavors. They make me feel like a kid again. 🙂
I think my top 5 would be: 1) Dr. Pepper, 2) Bubblegum, 3) Blueberry, 4) Orange Pop, 5) Coca Cola Cherry.
Honorable Mentions: Sun Smackers in Cherry Cola Freeze, Peppermint, and the Fanta flavors. I really want to try that Fanta Pineapple one.
The Fanta Pineapple is really good! I really want the blueberry from the In and Out flavor collection!
Mine would be……
1) Strawberry, cuz it’s a classic
2) Watermelon- I generally don’t enjoy watermelon flavors/scents, I really like this one!
3) vanilla- I just REALLY LOVE all vanilla scents
4) blueberry- duh
5) the vanilla malt shake and orange sherbet
Good taste
Thanks!!! I can’t find blueberry ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss the pink lemonade flavor too. I can only find it in the liquid version now. I used to be able to find it all the time, but now it’s gone. Red raspberry and cherry are other flavors that are hard to find in stores. My local Walmart doesn’t have a section where the Lip Smackers are at like other brands.
Have you tried places like CVS? They’re pretty good about carrying rarer originals.
Could u please help me find sweet treats collection
I could help u just email me
Walmart, or any local drugstores. Otherwise they’re on Amazon and Ebay.
I love your blog! I am 11 and a huge lipsmackers fanatic. Keep posting!
Awesome, thanks for commenting! Make sure to check out the contests the blog is having this month 🙂
Hey Bunnycookie, do you ever look for older Lip Smackers at discount stores? I found a whole bunch of Paul Frank Biggy Lip Smackers at Ollie’s. The only flavor they had was Clancy’s Cotton Candy, but I still bought a couple. They also had a ton of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke Lip Smackers with the old Lip Smacker logo for 99 cents (By the way, the Paul Frank Biggy was $1.99).
I try but I rarely luck out! For me, CVS usually has the older smackers. Nothing toooo exciting though.
Glad you stocked up and thanks for the info. I know it helps other readers figure out places to check out.
Really? The last CVS Pharmacy I went to didn’t have any Lip Smackers at all! I did see an old original Lip Smacker party pack at Rite Aid.
I love your blog! it makes me inspired to even make my own. I see your very interactive with your fans and i admire that, so Im hoping you can answer my concerns ASAP. Since you are a ls fanatic like me, I sure you were once familier witht the website, lipsmacklounge. It was run by the Lip Smacker brand and it was a place for tween girls to chat, take fun quizzes, polls, and of course buy the lip smacker of your dreams. it was currrently taken down for unknown reasons. Well, atleast I think it was. If you type in the domain lipsmackerlounge.com it will redirect you to the Lip Smacker main website, which led me to believe they took it down. Please let me know if you have any information on this thusthis website has meant a whole lot to me. It would honestly mean the world if you can give an explanation, or better yet, recommend some sites similar to it. Thanks for listening to me rant 🙂 Ciao!
Hi! So sorry it took a few days to get back to you, I’ve been swamped.
Yes the old lounge was taken away and replaced by the new website. They gave it a makeover awhile back. You could try GirlsLife.com, they partner a lot with LS for contests and I noticed quizzes etc.
I hope you can find something to replace it!
Hi. I Love lip smackers and I have a HUGE collection. I have collected them ever since I was 4. My few favourites are jellies strawberry, white chocolate, bubble gum and . . . well. . . . I love them all! Except there is this one called carrot cake and I actually don’t like it and I’ve barely used it! What’s your favourite?
I live in Asheville NC and the only stores that sells lip smacker products around here is Target. Not a lot of options for me here, so I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing what’s new. Usually when you post new LipSmackers I give the company a call and Pat in customer service is very helpful.
I’m glad to hear that. And Pat is amazing!
Bunny Cookie, I found something awesome at the Dollar Tree! You know those Minnie Mouse and Tinker Bell Disney Parks Lip Smackers you talked about a couple years ago? They’re now being sold at the Dollar Tree for $1! The Tinker Bell one doesn’t smell like cupcakes to me. It smells like marshmallows.
That’s pretty lucky, I’ve heard of smackers going to dollar stores but I haven’t seen it much. Congrats 😀
I also saw a couple Bonne Bell tinted lip balms. One of them is in peach! I should get it the next time I go.
Yes you should. Their peach is to die for!
Oh!!!!!! I just remembered something!!!!!!!! My friend has lips smackers, but she likes the liquid ones better. One day in class, she pulled out a strawberry lip smacker. I thought it was a balm, but it wasn’t!!!! It was a strawberry squeezy smacker! I looked like a tube of lip gloss, unlike a stick form like the liquid smackers. She said she got it with a set. I don’t recall any squeezy smackers. Do you?
Hmm, the only thing I can think of are the tubes that look like toothpaste kinda.
Yeah. It had kind of a rounded top, and a triangular lip gloss tube. It was cool though.
Hey Bunny Cookie, will you review the holiday Lip Smacker canes for this year? There’s an extra flavor in one of them that you didn’t review. It’s called blackberry cream. It smells very similar to wild raspberry.
I will asap! I was so happy when I saw Blackberry Cream, nice little surprise. Thanks for reminding me!
Hi Bunny cookie!
I just found your blog and its amazing! I was a massive massive lip smackers fanatic when I was a kid, I had a jewels butterscotch, a starburst strawberry watermelon and a sugar plum bubblegum (which is my absolute favourite and I can’t even find a picture of it anywhere!!).
Smackers are quite expensive in Australia and they really only have the coca-cola flavours now!
I thought you might like to know, when I was younger, they had lip smackers yoghurts!! We used to freeze them and eat them as frozen yoghurt or have them in our lunch boxes, best things ever! Then they were replaced with usual go-ghurts which weren’t as good :/
Lip Smacker yogurt! That’s amazing!
Sugar Plum Bubblegum? Omg. Lipsmacker made that??? When?
Do you have frozen lip smackers the 8 pack?
I also have a berry pie one
I want to buy a skittle one. But i dont where they are. Please let me know!!
Ps: you’re site is amazing!!????
You can buy them on ebay, Amazon, lipsmacker.com or at your local stores if they sell them.
I love lip smackers so much, and I do have a tendency to collect things, especially things that remind me of my childhood, but at the same time, I worry about the products going bad in about a year or two and not getting to use them up… (I’ve never actually ever finished a tube of chapstick…) What do you do when the product goes bad inside the tube?
Do you empty them out and just keep the tube for your collection?
I think a couple of my F’lip Juicees have gotten bad, but what I do is not use them. Most of my older Lip Smackers haven’t gotten bad at all. They’re as good as new except for the labels and the scents fading a little.
The balms do not go bad 🙂 I have many from the 70s onward and at most, some formulas lose their scent. Of course at that point it is purely collectible/not for use, but they look brand new if treated well.
The glosses are what you should be concerned about… eventually the glosses do change color, especially if there is bacteria on the wand from use.
I find that very true for me. The ones that I still have from the 90s like the Bubblegum, Dr. Pepper, and Peppermint, they still have their scents but the Orange Pop, Blueberry, as well as the Silver Snowball Cookie, Berry Beads, and Kaleidoscope Candy unfortunately do not. That’s probably the main reason why I threw out the Raspberry chocolate. Luckily, I got some extra Orange Pop and Blueberry from Ebay 2 yrs ago. They smell just the way as I remembered when I had first got them. 🙂
I found Orange Pop in a trio with Watermelon and Strawberry a few months ago. Oddly the Strawberry and Watermelon had newer labels and Orange Pop had the block 90s lettering. And it smells JUST like it did back in the early 90s. Taste the same too. Was so excited to find it!
I’ve seen that trio sold on ebay before.
Yep. Was a year ago I got it.
Have any of you wanted them to make a Lip Smacker of something you hated just to have it? I don’t mean weird ones like Double Cheeseburger, just something normal. For me it’s Cantaloupe. I hate Cantaloupe, it’s the only fruit I dislike, yet I’ve still always wanted a Cantaloupe Lip Smacker 😉 Lol.
I’ve suggested Cantalope numerous times, Tanya. Along with Sweet Tomato and Iced Tea.
I’d LOVE an iced tea flavor, but then again I love iced tea. Sweet Tomato sounds really good to me too.
I’ve wanted these flavors since I was really young. Hopefully one day…
They should make “Lychee”
I have been searching forever for the original blueberry and grape smackers Chapstick ! I need to smell it again sometime before I die lol it was my favorite a s a kid. Any idea where I can buy them? Thanks
There’s a blueberry flavor from the Inside Out collection, and a grape flavor from the Minnie and Daisy collection you could get on ebay. I don’t know if they smell the same as the kind you’re looking for.
Also, if you want grape Chapstick, it’s sold in a trio with cotton candy and fruit punch at stores like Target and Walgreens.
Love Love Love the Original Grape. I like the Fanta Grape. Its pretty close. What’s the Minnie and Daisy Grape called Renee?
The grape flavor in the Minnie and Daisy collection is called grape shimmy shake. It has Daisy Duck on the label. I’m allergic to Fanta Grape. 🙁
Oh that one. Mmkay. Sucks ur allergic. I LOVE the Fanta flavors. What about the “Crush” flavors?
I’m allergic to strawberry crush.
So mostly jus Strawberry flavors. That’s gotta suck. I LOVE strawberry Fanta. Prolly my fav Strawberry. I recently got the Dr Pepper party pack. Haven’t tried the Crush ones but I Love 7up. Always have.
I wish regular 7up was in the trio with A&W Root Beer and Dr. Pepper instead of Cherry 7up. I think it has a better flavor and formula. I wish there was a Pomegranate 7up Lip Smacker too even though that flavor has been discontinued (I think).
Aw, I really like the Cherry 7up Lip Smacker. I haven’t been able to find it for a few years though, so I’m glad to hear it’s back. I never had Pomegranate 7up, but it sounds good. My favorite of all the limited edition holiday sodas is/was Cranberry Sprite. If they made THAT in a Lip Smacker, I’d be so happy!
That would be awesome! It’s totally possible for them to release that flavor for Thanksgiving/Christmas. If only they would do that…..
When I was younger I owned Moon Rock Candy, and at least by my memory, it has the exact same scent as the Shimmers Party Berry!
Also an Australian, seconded about the yoghurts, those things were delicious, especially when frozen…. They also made gumballs I recall? They had them in Ekka showbags at one point :3
First time commenter I think, so go easy on me. Just wntead to say Thank you for this review. It’s the first personal finance book review I’ve read that has actually resulted in an addition to my Amazon Wish List. Being somewhere around the Highly Recommended age, I’m hoping someone will take pity on me around Christmas time I buy me it!!Greetings from the UK.Lee
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Euu sunt atat de nauca incat ajung uneori sa ma intreb " mai, chiar am visat asta, sau s-a intamplat cu adevarat? " :)) Adica visele par atat de reale in mintea mea si in somn incat nu-mi dau seama daca sunt vise sau sunt actiunile mele din timpul zile…eh, in fine, nu cred ca ma intelege nimeeni :))bravo Clau, mi-as dori eu sa visez ceva ce ma sperie…de cand imi doresc si eu un vis horror?!!? :)) lol, sunt ciudata 😉
Does anyone know where to find or have an original blueberry lip smacker? I remember using it in elementary school and the flavor was to die for!
You can check ebay from time to time there will be vintage lip smacker listings. Or, you can get the Lip Smacker “Inside Out Sadness Blues N Berry” which is really close to the original blueberry lip smacker! My very favorite all time flavor is the original blueberry 🙂
The last time I saw a blueberry one was in a bidding war on Ebay this summer. It was the blueberry, a vanilla flip gloss and a bubblegum roll-on gloss. Sold for $60.
I was hoping to pick up one too. Mine went through the dryer when I was in middle school- never saw it in stores after that 🙁
Thanks for the awesome blog! I posted just now in the wishlist section, but I feel like maybe i posted in the wrong place. I am looking for the only lip gloss I ever had as a kid, it was smackers, liquid (but not the clear tubes that actually say liquid on the name) with sponge applicator. It was a purple shiny tube with like sparkles and I think it had stars and planets on it, I feel like it was called either cosmic grape or galactic grape. I saw one on google that was called I cannot even find a picture of it on google image search, nor on ebay. I feel like it might be pretty rare, as I got mine from the scholastic book order papers they used to send home from school as a free gift with club sign up. I can still remember to this day exactly what it smelled and tasted like, and would be so very very happy to find it again. If anyone has ever seen this, or has one, please let me know! Even if you aren’t trying to sell it, it would help a whole lot to have the exact name and maybe which series it was from. It would have been from the late 90’s up to 2001, because I can remember for sure having it in 4th grade which was 2000/2001.
Hi, I believe the lip gloss you are referring to was the Sponge on Sparkler in the flavor Grape Gravity 🙂 I used to have this flavor in my collection. I think it would have been from the Cosmic Sponge on Sparklers Collection of flavors. They were all awesome!!