Feel free to email me! Please contact me if you have any for sale or if you’ve spotted a new Lip Smacker flavor somewhere.
I’d also be happy to help you identify/search for a certain flavor or just talk smackers with you!
Leave a comment or email admin@bunnycookie.com

I love the 90s smackers too, could you maybe post a pic of your 90s collection?
really like your blogg
Yay, another 90s fan 🙂 I’ll be sure to start posting some in the near future. Thanks for leaving a comment!
how do I win the lip balm?
Hey do you want to do a swap
We have a Smacker Swap section on this blog. You can put up which Lip Smackers you wish to swap there.
hi, this is lindsay, the girl that’s left a bunch of comments on different posts. anyways, as you probably gathered, i’m a fellow lipsmacker fanatic. i wanted to contact you because i am looking for a certain flavor and you said that you could help track it down. the flavor is buttered popcorn. you probably know that it’s initially from the 90’s (at least that’s when i had it) but they brought it back along with strawberry cheesecake, marshallow smores and some other flavors. (it’s not the strawberry cheesecake from the delectable desserts collection but a whole different one) and i belive that it was called “snack time collection” or something to that effect. anyways, i want that one sooooooo bad! can you help me? and i also asked about maybe selling one of your vintage lipsmackers??? you can reply back on here or email me at mochamays@yahoo.com
Hi Lindsay! I appreciate all the comments, I love smacker-talk! 🙂
I know exactly what you’re looking for. I don’t have any extra popcorns I can sell, but I’d love to help you track one down. Would either one be OK, or do you want the original 90’s one only? I’ve seen the Snack Time set sold occasionally.
I’m going to do a post soon about Buttered Popcorn and mention that you’re looking for it. I am also going to create a ‘classifieds’ section here on Bunny Cookie. Sort of like a smacker want-ads page 🙂 We get a lot of visitors so I think as the blog grows it will be a useful thing to have.
Please start the want ads section! I know it is just lip balm but I am from New Zealand and I am OBSESSED!!! Best product ever!
Hi I have that one if maybe you would be willing to trade me something you may have that I’m interested in
sorry for taking soooooo long to reply back -my computer’s been down. anyways, thanks for trying to help me out. i have searched high and low for the buttered pocorn alone AND the snacktime collection set which has vanilla cupcake, strawberry cheesecake, buttered pocorn, berry jelly doughnut and marshmallow s’mores flavors, but to no avail. there are a few sites-spreeshoppe and starsplashedlip that have the set and just the pocorn but i cant send an email to the email address that the person gives you if you want to place an order on the the spreeshoppe one because it says it’s invalid and i left a message on starplashed lip a LONG time ago and no response, so i may just be SOL. and noone on ebay has them and if they did, they sold a long time ago because people swoop up those rare flavors QUICK! i don’t even know when the sets came out and how i missed them but i’m so mad that i didn’t see one in the store and buy it when i had the chance because i am pretty positive at this point i won’t ever find one again. oh well…what can you do?
Hi Lindsay – Now I need to apologise for the late response, oops! I will definitely make a blog post this weekend about what you’re looking for. It’s a shame because earlier this year I did sell an extra Snack Time set I had, and you’re right, it sold *very* quickly. But, I do see it pop up on eBay somewhat regularly–four or five times this year alone–so I’m positive you’ll see it again soon. When I see it, I will email you right away!
And I know what websites you’re talking about…it seems that selling smackers overseas was really popular a few years ago and now, not so much 🙁
im so wanting the jumbo bonniebell lipsmacker on string to come back in stores,is wallyworld ready i know i am.
2013 is Lip Smacker’s 40th anniversary and they are bringing back some vintage flavors, 🙂 Hopefully the string too!
i remember the apple
Hi m’lissa, do you mean Green Apple from the 70s? Or the regular 90s Apple?
Hey have you got any sour smackers from the early 2000s ? Would love to see a blog post !
The sponge-on glosses? I don’t have many since I just collect the balms, sorry!
Hi, do you have these flavors: blue berry, dr.pepper, orange pop, bubble gum, and raspberry chocolate? I bought these in the 90s and each of them had a key chain hole top. They came in a package with candy shop looking background. I feel so bad for throwing those out since i haven’t worn them for soooo long. You could sendme a picture of them by my email mzhoneynation@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hey girl!
I saw where they are selling the lip-smacker “Birthday Cake” (from the most recent cupcake collection) and it’s at Meijer’s stores!
Thank you for the info! I’ll make sure to include that in the cupcake post!
hello, im looking for apple and cranberry please let me know if you have these
thank you
Hi Maddy, I don’t have extras but I will keep this comment in mind for the future!
Hello bunnycookie,
I am looking to buy the jumbo LipSmackers for my girlfriend’s upcoming birthday. She has mentioned in the past that she had these growing up: Dr Pepper, a grape scent, and Marshmallow Banana. It seems that the company that made these no longer does.
Do you know where I can find the jumbos or similar ones? I have included my email.
Thanks for your assistance,
Does she know the biggy Lip Smackers are still made? You can find them at Target, eBay or Bonne Bell’s webstore (colorandflavorshop.com). There’s even a Dr Pepper one.
As for the grape one, she’s probably referring to Sour Grapes which was just brought back temporarily in the mini size, so check that out. Banana Marshmallow would be an oldschool flavor.
The vintage biggies are tough to find but if you’re patient you could luck out–how much time do you have?
Thankyou for your assistance Bunnycookie. I had no idea any of this existed.
I have ordered a set of the big ones and also purchased the set with the Sour Grapes flavor you mentioned.
Since Banana Marshmallow is no longer available I purchased Banana from a three piece smacker set as well as Marshmallow Chick so she can combine them.
In the meantime I will keep an eye out for the old ones but for now I think this will be a perfect addition to her gift.
Thanks again,
ohmygoodness. I love lip-smackers! thank you for this blog!
Thanks for commenting, I love knowing us fans are out there :)!
What a great site. Very informative, lovely pictures! My family is a “lip-smackers only” household, I swear by it since I was a small child. I still have a 70s Strawberry that is one of my most prized possessions, no joke.
Thank you!
That’s so great you still have your vintage Strawberry, they’re harder and harder to come by. I’m with you, Lip Smackers only here, too 🙂
Could you plz tell me how many mint ones smackers have made? Thank you :p
Here are all the mint names I know off hand, but many are definitely repeat flavors:
Nilla Mint Frost, Emerald Butter Mint, Arctic’s Mint Smoothie, Cupcake’s Nilla Mint, Arctic’s Peppermint Patty, regular Peppermint, Mint Jubilee, Mint Choco, Mint Cremes, Thin Mints, Cocoa Mint, Mint Cookie, Mint Choco Ship, Must Have Mint, Fresh Mint Freeze/Blast/Chill, Mint Chip, Vanilla Mint
There’s a bunch of candy cane/peppermint flavors too like Peppermint Frost.
Hope that helps 🙂
Wow that’s alot, thanks.. the mint ones are my favourite 🙂
You can’t forget the original Peppermint! (You can only get it on the colorandflavorshop.com)
Also look for the new Peppermint Cream flavor that’s out right now for the holidays.
I hope one day they’ll do another wintergreen flavor like Crystal Wintergreen. Loved that one!
will you ever have a contest again
Wow you have so many!
Can we discuss how the Disney/princess/Mickey collections are nowhere to be found in most walmarts? I know many other people have been complaining too!
I haven’t seen them in mine either, I had to add them to my LS order on the new website!
Hey! I just found your blog by random but I’m 11 and my teacher’s brother’s girlfriend works for lipsmackers and he got an email from her telling him to get all the girls in our class tochoose the new lip smackers design for 2014. The first one had a packaging design of foods such a burgers, chips, cake, etc in a girly drawed way. The other was pretty much plain pink with 2 big cupcakes at the bottom of the packaging. We picked the pink ones. We got free lipsmackers for doing that!! Expect to see cupcake packaging in the future.
Hi cookie, I’m not sure how I missed your comment, sorry it took so long to respond! That is the coolest thing ever, you girls are super lucky. Thanks for picking the pink ones 🙂
Best lipstick ever
there is a new lip smacker i just bought from target yesterday called lemon square. Its very cakey tasting, almost exactly like coconut cake from the cupxake collection. just thought id let you know 🙂
I’ve been trying to find it locally, it JUST hit stores. Thanks for the info 😀
I just saw this on ebay this morning. Is this new or super old?
The seller wants $15.99. I can’t imagine paying that much for 4 lip smackers so I’m hoping this is new and starting to spread through the area.
These are BRAND new and very overpriced, at least double if not more. Personally I’m going to be waiting until they show up in my area, $32 is robbery haha 🙂
Ello ello! I also love the 90’s lip smackers. I’ve been trying to find a site where they MIGHT still be sold. You know the ones I mean: the shimmer collection that had the sparkly label and the summer season that had the metallicy shine on the label. I miss them SO BADLY!!! Do you by chance know if they’re still sold anywhere?
Hi Courtney! Unless someone knows something I don’t, you need to basically stalk eBay! At this point it’s just about hoping someone lists them. They’re very difficult to find.
I love lip smackers
I bunny cookie im new to ur blog and im 11 I recently found out about ur blog and I love it I dont really have sny lip smackers but its nice to look at the pictures I guess:( you should do an overview of all ur lip smackers also can u do another giveaway I missed ur last one and I might give me a chance to have some lip smackers so yeah thank u:)
Hi Jodie, thanks for your comment 🙂 A new contest just went up, and more are happening all month. Thanks for the compliments and I hope you get smackers soon!
Hi! I’m a really big collector of Lip Smackers and a big fan of your blog! I live in Oxnard,CA and I just can’t find any new Lip Snackers! So I need your help to find some near me! Thank you!
Thank you for showing everyone the newest/lastest Lip Smackers!
Hey Bunny Cookie, I noticed a lot of us are having a hard time finding some of the newest Lip Smacker sets- myself included. I noticed even in stores where Lip Smackers are sold that they only have the flavors that already came out. I prefer buying stuff in stores, so it’s really disappointing when they don’t have the flavors you want. Why is it so hard to find Lip Smackers in stores anymore? I remember a few years back when Walmart would have all their holiday Lip Smacker sets. Last year, I wasn’t able to find ANY at Walmart! Even Target didn’t have any of the shimmer ones I was dying to get. Sorry for the rant.
I’m having the same experience. I would say the closer you live to Ohio, the easier it is… just what I have noticed when traveling.
it’s Natalie. I was just wondering, how do you change your profile picture?
Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t see this for some reason. The avatars are randomly generated
Hi i wanted help on finding a set the snack time pack and wanted no if u have any or saw them around or have any give aways u can rep
ly on here thanks
I’d say they’re probably on ebay.
Today I checked out the lip smacker website and went to “the latest” categorie and they new novelties and pumpkin latte and lemon square!!! :{)
Woohoo, Lemon Square is amazing!
Trying to locate the Disney Halloween trio (went to Walgreens today and they aren’t selling them yet). Saw them on ebay and tempted to purchase from there. I’m an avid collector w/a massive collection so I enjoy your blog and finding out what’s new.
Hi! I’m Mary-Kate and I’m 12 years old. I love lip smackers and I love collecting them. But I only collect recent lip smackers, nothing from the 90’s or those other vintage lip smackers but I just wanted to say that your blog is awesome! And I’m happy to start joining in on the lip smacker talk!
Oh yeah, I also want to know about the vanilla creams set. I heard you say they were popular but I can’t find any online.
The vanilla cremes is an older collection from around the mid 2000’s. It might be on ebay eventually.
Just came across this on ebay. Is this a new set being released like they did for the Sundae Parlor and Donut or is this an old set they some one just picked up and put up for sale? I hope it’s a new one- I don’t have them and think they’re CUTE!
Yup this is brand new like the sundae/donut sets 😀 They’re great!
Hi look on eBay quickly they have lip smacker cake pops in a package of four. They are packaged just like the sudae and donuts collection. There was 3 available after I purchased one. I looked under “lip smacker” on eBay it was on the first page. Good luck and let me know if u make it in time.
I recently bought Pumkin latte and Chocolate dipped banana and I couldn’t help notice that the Pumkin latte smells just like the Sweet potato fries lip smacker! The Chocolate dipped banana smells like the original banana but with a lighter sent. Kinda disappointed….
OMG!!!!!!!!! Angel food cake!!!! Whipped eggnog!!!! I know what’s going on my Christmas wish!!!! 😉 <3 <3 <3 Only like 2 more months….
I found some holiday Lip Smackers at Kmart. They were in a tiny corner where all the holiday gift sets were. You won’t be disappointed with the shimmer set! Oh and there’s also trio canes that Bunny Cookie didn’t review.
😉 🙂 :{)!!!!!!!!
But when dose the Belgian waffle lip smacker come out?…. 😀
Crossing my fingers for soon 😀
Any chance you will be posting on some of the 90s smackers soon? Would love to see apple/ pineapple- they look interesting! So nostalgic too.
I want to see Bunny Cookie post on the cosmic Lip Smackers too. I loved those.
I’ll do another 90s post fairly soon–I think I am going to do Green Apple (70s) next because of the new skittles release
Hey Bunny Cookie, I recently got some more Frozen Lip Smackers (they have two trio packs at Walmart that are the same as the ones in the tin.) And I noticed that both of my strawberry shake ones (the one with Anna on it) both smell differently. My first one smells more faint and the balm looks more opaque than the other one. Did they change the flavor a bit, or was it because it may have been made from a different batch?
Ooo, that’s really interesting. I’d guess variation in batches rather than that fast of a formula change, but I could definitely be wrong. I’ll check mine too, nice eye.
By the way, I finally got thode Bonne Bell lipblush lip balms in peaceful peach and playful pomegranate. The peach one I can’t tell if it actually smells like peach, mango, or a combination of both. The pomegranate onedoesn’t smell like a pomegranate Lip Smacker. Oh well, at least they smell good.
I love tho website
May I have the strawberry pack of all the strawberry flavors please
All the strawberry flavors that I want is strawberry vanilla strawberry cheesecake strawberry cotton candy and strawberry coconut
YAY!!!!!!!???????????? I recently got the Summer Camp and Holiday Refreshment packs!!! They’re both soooo cool!!! My favorites are Frozen lemonade and Whipped eggnog!????????????
Sorry the question marks are suppose to be emojis!
Awesome! My favorite is Frozen Lemonade too, it’s GREAT 😀
Am I the only one that thinks chocolate hazelnut smells like Nutella?
I now have Chocolate Hazelnut in my collection! 😀 I found it at A Target nearby. I have Dulce De Leche, Strawberry Shortcake, Camel Apple, IceCream Sandwich, Lemon Square, Pumkin Latte, and now Chocolate Hazelnut for my Special editons!!!! 😀 Oh and the party pack with Cherry Cobbler and Coconut Cake and the others 😀
Hey Bunny Cookie, I found another holiday trio at Ulta today. I forgot what the collection is called, but it has sugar plum(the shimmer one), strawberry glaze liquid Lip Smacker, and peppermint (also shimmer). I didn’t think they’d release yet another flavor for Christmas! Isn’t that about 16 holiday Lip Smackers this year?
Thank you for this great website! I learned of it through today’s cleveland.com.
Michelle B.
Have you seen/bought/tried that layering Lip Smackers? I was at a random grocery store and saw the raspberry orange one. I was shocked that they want about $5 for just one, but I had more than enough coupon savings to justify getting it. WOW! It’s amazing! I hope to find more in the near future.
I haven’t been able to find the layer it or the roll it Lip Smackers. I really wanted to try them.
They are starting to come to grocery stores this week, I will have to try Target and see if they happened to get them.
I went to Kroger recently and they didn’t have them.
I found the layer it at Rite Aid, got the berry cream cake, love it! I found the roll it at Walgreens and got the Vanilla. The vanilla flavor is good but I personally prefer the old large size rollers :/
I seen the layers and Roll its. Not as interested in them as the Balms.
Which stores? I really wanted to get a couple.
If you live in Pennsylvania- they are sold at Giant Eagle and Martin’s/Giant Food Markets.
No. I live in the south.
Not sure if anyone is interested- ebay right now has a great diversity of older late 90s to 2000s for sale, squeezies, mint jubilee, cherry pomegranate, vanilla sugar cookie, travel minis, twinkle shine and flip gloss. I know what I’m ordering for Mother’s Day 😀
YES! What do you type in for search? 🙂
I check out “Lip Smackers” or “Bonne Bell” in the search. The best way of finding them are to select “Newest Listing” find these the easiest.
I even saw a listing for single cosmic smackers on Ebay. I’d like one, but I don’t want to pay close to $7.00 total for a lip balm that I can’t use (due to how old it is). lol Its nice for collections purpose only I suppose. 🙂
Cool!! I actually just bought an old sun smackers off ebay! It’s the melon patch flavor and has the old style cap with a hole for a keychain. I wish I could get one of those plastic keychain clips *sigh* Idk what year its from but the flavor is really strong and i’m totally gonna use it
This is the website I just placed my order from. Has an amazing selection.
And I mean’t th original old 90s smackers that are expired by now, not the re release.
Awesome, Emma! I think I saw that one a couple of weeks ago. Congrats on the vintage purchase.
Just wanted to let everyone know that on LipSmackers.com they have brand new Inside Out lipsmackers available now!!! they look awesome already bought a ton!!! such a good movie!
Hi I’m after the lip smackers jewel collection do u have any ?
I do, but they’re used and don’t look as good as they used to. I’ve seen some sold on ebay. Perhaps you should check there. I’ve seen some of the liquid lip gloss being sold there. I think the flavors were opal watermelon and strawberry garnet glaze.
Which ones do you have renee? If you still have them that is
Ok so i recently purchased a strawberry banana lipbalm and did not realize until late that a strawberry lipsmacker was in the package instead..
I also wanted to know if after the markwins takeover ,if any of the original flavors seem alittle different?
The Dr. Pepper collection has changed a lot except for Orange Crush. 7up smells like Sprite, Dr. Pepper smells really weird (and even worse than the Cherry Coke-type scent it had before), Cherry Dr. Pepper smells like Dr. Pepper gum, and A&W Root Beer smells like Barq’s Root Beer. It seems like they made a whole bunch of changes to the tubes too. The caps don’t stay on as well and they removed “moisturizes and smoothes” and “good for your lips” on the labels.
Whatever you do, DON’T get the holiday Dr. Pepper set in the ornament packaging. That’s the set that has the new versions of the Dr. Pepper flavors. I recommend looking at the labels in the packaging to see the trademark year. If it says “2015”, DON’T get it. If it says “2013” or “2010”(preferably this if you can find it) then they’ll be closer to how they used to be (minus Dr. Pepper).
Also, raspberry jelly is different in the 2015 donut trio with vanilla and strawberry. It smells like wild raspberry with a pie note while the original smells more like the Disney Daisy Duck cutie pie Lip Smacker.
Thats terrible. Im almost afraid to puchase now.
My favorites were red raspberry,pink lemonade and strawberry banana. I would hate if those formulas were to change. It already started on a bad note as the strawberry banana i bought had strawberry in the packaging.
Hii. I realy taught that I am the only one who is obsesed whit lipsmackers!! But apperantly i’m not the only one:) My lipsmacker colection is not big (I have 14) but totday I bougt super much lipsmackers on eBay!!???I am so excited, and i can not wait until they arive!! Love this page? Xxx
Welcome aboard!
I miss the chatter on here. Hope you all are doing well.
Yea I miss it too. 🙁
I’m debating making a Facebook page for us to be able to reconnect about the good old, non-tsum tsum, Lip Smackers days.
YES, DO ITTTT!!!!!! Please <3
Hi! My favorite Lip Smacker ever was Starfruit! It brings me back to elementary school days in the early 2000s! I see you posted a picture of it on your website cover photo and I was wondering how I could ever find this flavor again. I look forward to hearing from you!
Well the day has come that I am FORCED to switch to chapstick brand because Lipsmacker has gone to the darkside and started making ALL their products in China. I will be selling a lot of my new in package Lipsmackers. Get ahold of me here if your interested. I have the set of mini milks and popsicles from the UK, Soda sets , Easter sets, Christmas sets, Originals sets and many more. Sad sad day.
I noticed while shopping at Rite Aid the other day, EVERYTHING including the dearly beloved Original Lip Smacker flavors are now made in China. NOTHING is sacred anymore!
I noticed it when picking up Dr Pepper which now looks like an extremely cheap and unappealing shadow of what once was such an iconic beauty product. Seeing ‘made in China’ on the back of the package made my stomach turn. Of course I did not buy it.
My question to you is why are you getting rid of Bonne Bell made Smackers? At least you have those to hold you over for awhile.
At this point all I want to say is (PG rated) ‘Screw you Markwins! Screw you Eric Chen!’ I hope your disgusting greed and cheapening of an iconic American company hurts you in the pockets sooner than later. Also, screw Buddy Bell for selling out his fathers brands and company to the worst contender imaginable for a quick dime.
I have wayyyyy too many Bonne Bell made LipSmackers to ever go through them all before they lost their scent. (Lotta gifts, because it’s all I ever asked for). I figured I would ask you collectors if you wanted them before I sold them to people who don’t even know the difference. Sad sad day. On the bright side “Chapstick” brand has been branching out with new flavors and the product is pretty good too. MADE IN USA. Sigh. I’m truly saddened. Anyways speaking of Dr Pepper, I have about 6 of the ORIGINAL flavor to spare that are unused if anyone is interested.
Hi are you selling any??
I’m looking for kaleidoscope candy and dreamy creamy pearl
I do not have either of those but yes I’m selling quite alot of them.
Ok thanks maria. Maybe you have moon rock candy?? Here’s my email: maimonedebra56@gmail.com so you can message me!
Do you have any of the swirl kind or vanilla creams? Or any Bonne bell lip smackers period! I’m a huge fan of lip Smacker and trying to expand my collection
Hi Maria are you still selling any bonne bell smackers??? I’m very interested in ones from the 90s and early 00s
Hello Maria! Do you have any older biggy lip smackers for sale? Thank you for offering to those of us who still love the originals ?
I’m hoping someone can help me out. I used to wear a specific lip Smacker back in the day and I could’ve sworn it was chocolate mint. The prob is is that the pics I’ve seen of that flavor, the color is brown. I don’t remember it being that color. It was a brownish, metallic, glittery color to where it almost looked grayish brown because of the silverish glitter and now I’m not sure if it was jubilee or nilla mint. Hopefully someone knows! Thanks guys??
Hi everyone!!! Ive been looking forever for the lip smacker in kaleidoscope candy! It came out in early 2000s. I see bunny cookie has it and made a post on it. It came with a picture frame or with a clear pink container. It was part of the jewel collection and this one in particular had a clear sparkly lid with an iridescent gem on top and the packaging was silver holo. I’ve seen one sold on eBay last year and I should have put my search notification on 🙁 please anyone if you have one for sale I’d be so happy to purchase it! I had it when I was really young and lost it 🙁
Hello I’m looking for any of the lip smackers from the jewel Lips collection, if you have any available to sell, please let me know, I will offer a very good amount of money for them, just let me know on here though please ?
I have strawberry garnet glaze for sale on my mercari account. I may list more eventually !
Hi! Just came across this blog tonight, and I love it! Thank you for sharing all of your Lip Smacker info, memories, and photos. I am wondering if you could tell me the name of the dark blue Lip Smacker in the picture that appears at the top of each page of your blog — it’s the one in between Cranberry and the orange one? II’ve been trying to remember the name of a Smacker I used daily in the mid 90s during high school. It was blue, some kind of berry or blueberry, and I loved it. I think it may be the one in your photo. I’ve been googling for days to no avail. Was there just a plain Blueberry flavor? I’ve discovered one named Blueberry Ice Pop in my searching, but I’m not sure that one was around in the mid 90s. Anyhow, thank you again. I love your blog!
Yes there was just a Blueberry flavor. Came out in the 90s in a trio with Raspberry Chocolate and Vanilla. I personally loved it. Reminded me of blueberry yogurt. Pretty sure that’s what that is in the pic.
Hello 🙂
First I want to say that I love and respect your dedication for Lip Smackers collections. But I been trying to do research of my own, but I had little to no success.
When I was kid I loved their tinted lip balm and gloss, Lip Smacker Color Kiss Duo. My favorite flavor was Pomegranate Kiss. I tried to find any of it left… if not just a clear promotion picture, but I cannot seem to find it (only Melon Kiss and Strawberry Kiss). I remember the collection being Melon, Cotton Candy, Strawberry, Berry, Pomegranate, and Cherry.
I was wondering if by any chance you have remember about this collection (I think it was there first, only? tinted lip balm, along with a liquid lip) or if no can help me find the Pomegranate Kiss.
Thank you and hope you have a happy new year!
Hi Rachel! Thanks for writing. Your memory is good with the Color Kiss collection! It pops up regularly on ebay so keep checking, you should have no problem finding several of those flavors including the glosses with a little bit of patience.
Hi I’m a huge collector. I have over 1000 and that’s no exaggeration. I’m looking for any of the older bonne bell ones that were shiny, or like the petpals, or the snack collection!! Just reply and let me know! We could buy/ sell/ trade
I have a few listed on my Mercari account and a jewel cheeks glitter in dreamy creamy pearl. I’ve been looking for kaleidoscope candy myself. Here’s my store link Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30. Here’s my invitation link : https://merc.li/GfSwM2b
Hey Bri! Would you happen to have a bubblegum biggy you’d be willing to sell? I’ve been searching for one for some time now!
Hi! I absolutely love your passion and knowledge on Lip Smackers!
I had so many as a kid in the 90’s and early 00’s but they sadly got thrown out as I got older, I never knew I would want them back so bad as an adult!
I have started collecting again and i’m really trying to find some cosmic and jewel smackers! I know I will just have to be patient and keep an eye on ebay and amazon etc. Any other tips? Do you ever sell any?
The main set I want is the holiday 99’ ones! Berry Jelly Donut, Nilla Mint Frost, Strawberry Cheesecake, Candy Confetti and 2000 Cookies! I hope to find them one day!
There is just something so magical and nostalgic about smackers! So good to see so many collectors still out there with the same love for them! X
I wasn’t sure if I replied to you or just posted to the blog so I’ll try it this way too….. I have a lot of the ones you are looking for I could either post on a site for you to purchase or we could possibly swap
I actually have have a lot of the ones you are looking for!! I could either post them somewhere for you to purchase or we could possibly swap!!