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2005 Liquid Lip Smackers ad

2002 Sour Smackers ad

Adorable 2003-2004 S’whirl Gloss ad… anyone have this kit?

My favorite! Look at that cute packaging. Very late 1996 – early 1997.

90s Jelly Bean, Pina Colada, Blueberry, Guava, Coconut Cake, Raspberry Chocolate, & Orange Pop… yum
Ahhhh, I miss the old packaging!
the products in the 1996 one with the girls…..i would die for those. soo beautiful.
the spacey/cosmic stuff. also the fruit (peach and pear?) lotion on the right. ahhh
Wow! The block letters logo was and will always be my favorite era of lip smackers. Whenever I see the old packaging in store, I immediately grab the product! But they are so rare now… I hope that one day Bonne Bell will bring them back (even if it’s just for a limited edition) !
do you have any more? these are awesome
I’ll get more up soon!
Oh, wow! I had the make your own lip gloss kit. I honestly can’t remember if I had the swirl one or the jelly one though. I do remember they smelled REALLY good, but I rarely used them, because lip gloss in a pot is just not as fun as a Lip Smacker stick. Also, I had the Sour Lemon Sour Smacker.
I remember seeing some of those ads in my old J-14, YM, and Seventeen mags. I still have those mags. I agree with Emily. The block letters logo was the BEST and simply a classic.
Oh I wish I had kept all my magazines. Seventeen was *it* in the 90s 🙂
so cute and why i became such a fan. there is really nothing as sweet as this company was 😀
I loved that Raspberry Chocolate, so superb! They did an M&M’s Raspberry Chocolate a year or two back and it wasn’t the same. I swear they’ve changed their Red Raspberry flavoring, it’s a shame. It’s sweet and a little generic now. My sister loved the original for years but doesn’t use it now because of the change.
I’m one of the (few) people who didn’t really love to bubble letters. When I was very young and started collecting seeing that block logo from afar, knowing it was a new Lip Smacker display was hitting a goldmine in my eyes. I still get that way when I see new Smackers! I think the block logo is what turned a lot of people into assuming Smackers were for kids, and went on to different products, which always annoyed me, as at the end of the day; it’s lip gloss (not very childish). I could see if it was a toy-anyway. I prefer the new logo that is a very obvious nod to the original. It’s much more simple and shows no age range. You can always get the fun designs on the tube if you want, anyway.
I would love for them to do the Natural Nectar pot balms again. Most don’t like pots, but the flavors and moisture power of these were impeccable. Vanilla Honeybee was my favorite and still to this day I hope for a similar flavored stick Smacker.
The Sour Smackers were great, not if you had chapped lips, however. I love when they do sour flavors in original form!
I love seeing old ads, keeping them coming!
I’ll check out a newer Red Rasp and see if I can pick up on that! That’s really interesting, I wonder why.
I see where you’re coming from, from an accessibility standpoint. Nostalgia is definitely a factor 🙂 And like you said, the new logo is a nod to the original, so I wonder if people who used the product in the 70s/80s get that nostalgic feeling from the redesign. If so, that’s pretty awesome.
I never tried Vanilla Honeybee! I have a soft spot for their potted glosses, though.
Thanks for the great comment!
I feel that the new logo is a bit too bland and basic for my taste. I love how the old one was more funkier, girly, and youthful. I definitely feel that old one had more uniqueness and culture and what really sets the brand apart from the rest. It just feels so timeless to me.
And i just love how the block letters represented 90s culture. That’s just me. The 90s as a whole was just a flawless era for me like I absolutelyhave no regrets about it.
So true. Lisa Frank trapper keepers and 90s Lip Smackers! Perfect decade 🙂
Love this comment, you summed up my feelings too
I like stick glosses but there’s something oh-so-glamorous about applying lip gloss from a little canister. Bonne Bell used to make smackers in little heart shaped canisters with bears on them in th ’80s (when I was a teen) and I wore the raspberry one to my sweet sixteen.
What a cute story. I know what bear tins you mean, and they are absolutely adorable.
They also changed the strawberry banana a bit. The new version is more darker pink than original
Thanks for the heads-up!
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I can’t believe someone else remembers Vanilla Honeybee! I loved that one. It was in a little pot & it was just yummy.
Lip smackers are such a memory though! I remember the block/late 90’s most. You can put on that certain flavor (if they still make it, of course) and BOOM you’re right back in that time of your life. They’re like a time portal lol
Each flavor I used, even for a brief little stint reminds me of a very specific memory. It was a big deal trying a new flavor or version. The flip glosses (I used cherry & tropical), the lava lamp gloss & the birthday cake shimmery gloss. The ads in Seventeen & everything *sigh*
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Ooh I had Sour Cherry in those Sour Smackers. THEY WERE SO SOUR!!! Loved them. They also had a very specific taste too
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