A big happy 50th anniversary to our favorite product of all time, Bonne Bell Lip Smackers! It’s a testament to the brand that even years after it’s gone, we’re still collecting, using, loving, and talking about our favorite lip gloss.
My very good friend over at The Oz of Lip Smacker Land wrote a comprehensive breakdown of Lip Smacker’s roots that is an absolute must read. It’s EASILY the best piece written about Lip Smackers ever and some of the most gorgeous pictures we’ve seen yet. Not only is it incredibly well-researched, but it’s something only a long-time, passionate user of the brand could write. We are super lucky to be able to read something like this.
And I know I don’t update much these days but sit tight! Together Oz and I have been working on a very comprehensive project for awhile now that we’re super excited about. There are great things yet to come!
Hi! Boy I’m happy to see this..beautiful pic and am looking forward to seeing what comes.
come back!!
Great! I am a collector of the biggies. I have 7 of them!
Great! I am a collector of the biggies. I have 7 of them.
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